Featured image of our piano lessons in Vienna

Piano Lessons in Vienna

Piano classes for Kids & Adults - Beginners to advanced

🏠 Have professional Piano lessons in Vienna, at the teacher's studio or at home!

🎓 Our Piano teachers in Vienna are certified by the best music schools in Europe

📚 Learn Piano, as a kid or adult, in styles like classical, modern or jazz!

📝Optionally, learn Piano sheet music reading and music theory

💬 Vienna Piano courses in english, you choose the schedule!

Featured image of our piano lessons in Vienna

Private lessons with top Piano teachers near Vienna

Piano lessons in Vienna - Teacher Stefano
📍 Piano lessons in Vienna centre
🚙 I can travel to you
- Master in piano performance - Conservatory of Pescara (Italy)
- International Pianist
Picture for piano classes at your place in Vienna

At your place

Vienna Music School Damvibes brings your Piano classes at your place, so you don't need to worry about dislocating!

Piano teachers in Vienna - profile pictures

At the teacher's studio

Damvibes chose our Piano tutors strategically along the Vienna map, so the location doesn't become a problem!

Picture for piano lessons online

Online lessons

Most of our Piano tutors in Vienna are equipped and ready to teach online lessons in a professional way

How does Vienna Piano School Damvibes work?

📝 1. Book a trial lesson

You just need to choose a Piano teacher and fill in a quick form in less than 1 minute. We recommend you take into account variables such as location or specialties.

📅 2. Schedule a time

Our Piano teachers in Vienna will get in touch with you as soon as they can, generally, it will take up to 24 hours for them to contact you. Then, you both agree on the day/time of the lesson

👍 3. Trial payment

Get 30% discount on your first Piano class in Vienna! The lesson is 30 minutes long. Just make sure you process the payment 24 hours before the lesson. Enjoy your first trial!

📅 4. Monthly system

After your trial lesson, our Piano teacher will get in touch with you to agree on the schedule and on the number of lessons you will have that specific month

Music Teachers
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Happy students talk about Vienna Music School Damvibes!

Trophy from our keyboard teachers in Vienna
Piano classes in Vienna - Review 4
Piano courses in Vienna- Review 1
Piano lessons in Vienna - Review 3
Piano lessons in Vienna - Review 2

Prices of our Piano courses in Vienna

Piano lessons for kids and adults

60 minutes
25 Class
  • 2-4 students
30 minutes
30 Class
  • 1 student
45 minutes
35 Class
  • 1 student
20% discount
60 minutes
40 Class
  • 1 student
30% discount

FAQ over our Piano classes in Vienna 

That, dear student, will depend on how good your Piano teacher is! And definetely, our Piano tutors in Vienna are graduated from the best conservatories and music schools in Europe! 

The prices of our Piano lessons in Vienna may vary and will depend on the location and the length of the lessons, you can check our price table up on this page!

In Piano learning, there is no such thing as no-talent. It’ll always faster to learn Piano in Vienna as a kid, but that doesn’t mean that adults can’t learn how to play an instrument. Furthermore, adults are more skilled to understand theoretical aspects such as chords, Piano notes reading or music theory.

In Vienna Music School Damvibes, we recommend to have weekly Piano lessons. Playing an instrument can be too sacrificing if you don't follow the right steps, this is to say, practice regularly, ideally everyday. 15-20 minutes per day will make the difference. The more practice the better!

Learn how to play piano as a beginner in Vienna

Play chords and you'll learn piano instantly

Any piano teacher in Vienna will tell you that the piano chords are the essence of any song or piece. Chords lead into harmony, the column spine of music. Try to think about any song; you have the melody, which are the main notes. Then, you have the bass, it gives a great support to the rest of instruments. Of course, if needed there’s percussion. But after that, we have our precious harmony, which gives “color” to any song. Here you are a piano chords chart, very useful if you want to learn how to accompany songs in a very fast way. 

Piano chords chart from Vienna Piano School Damvibes

Piano techniques, are they important?

I am afraid it is, actually, piano technique in general is crucial for you to not get injured. So, if you hear any piano teacher saying technique is not relevant, think twice, because any professional performer knows a colleague that had to stop his/her piano career due to injuries. And, let’s be clear, learning proper piano technique will produce more beautiful sounds and it will be easier for you to play any piece

Adult and kid having a keyboard lessons in Vienna

If you want to learn pieces light speed, learn how to read piano sheet music

Imagine learning a new language without knowing the alphabet. That’s mission impossible. Of course, if you want to “survive” you can just learn by ear, but music is way harder than learning a language, and in order to build more complex music systems, you need music theory, you need to learn how to read piano notes!

piano score in Vienna Piano School

Learn how to play piano in Vienna, as a kid or an adult, classical or jazz piano lessons

Human being is amazing. We never stop learning, even when we are at the end of our life. And that’s because our brain is extremely moldable. It’s true that kids will learn how to play piano in a more efficient way, faster and with less effort. Of course, kids’ brains are sponges! But let me tell you that, even the oldest student you can imagine, make progress. It’s just a fact. That’s why Damvibes offer piano lessons for kids and adults, classical or jazz, for beginner or advanced students!

Beginner student learning piano in Vienna
Piano Lessons in Vienna
Piano Lessons in Vienna 1

Our piano teachers in Vienna are displayed along the map so there's no problem about dislocating!

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Damvibes

Course Provider URL: https://www.damvibes.com/vienna-music-school/piano-lessons/

Editor's Rating:
Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

Piano lessons in Vienna - Teacher Stefano
📍 Piano lessons in Vienna centre
🚗 I can travel to you
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

Several music schools in Italy and Austria
Piano teacher for kids, adults and professional musicians since 10 years
🏆 Piano Awards & Performances

International Pianist

Several Italian, Austrian, German, French and Swiss venues as pianist and accompanist
🎌 Languages of my Piano classes

Italian - mother tongue, English - fluent, German - fluent, Spanish - fluent
🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

Master in piano performance - Conservatory of Pescara (Italy)
Master in Opera accompaniment - Conservatory of Pescara (Italy)
Master in Opera accompaniment - MUK University (Vienna, Austria) - Postgraduate in Piano performance, Vocal and Chamber music - MDW University (Vienna, Austria)
📚 My Methodology

I change my teaching method according to the needs and the will of every student. According to piano technique, I teach a mix of Italian and Russian piano schools, which has been very successful in the last ten years of teaching. My main goal is the happiness of my students: it doesn't matter if they want to be professional musicians or to enjoy music, for me it is very important to make them play joyfully!
Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

📍 Piano lessons in Amsterdam
🚗 I travel to students' place
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

🏆 Piano Awards & Performances


🎌 Languages of my Piano classes

🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

📚 My Methodology

Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

📍 Piano lessons in Amsterdam
🚗 I travel to students' place
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

🏆 Piano Awards & Performances


🎌 Languages of my Piano classes

🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

📚 My Methodology
