drumset drawing of our music academy in Vienna

Drum Lessons in Vienna

Drums classes for Kids & Adults - Beginners to advanced

🏠 Have professional Drums lessons in Vienna, at the teacher's studio or at home!

🎓 Our Drums teachers in Vienna are certified by the best music schools in Europe

📚 Learn Drums, as a kid or adult, in styles like classical, modern or jazz!

📝Optionally, learn Drums sheet music reading and music theory

💬 Vienna Drums courses in english, you choose the schedule!

drumset drawing of our music academy in Vienna

Private lessons with top Drums teachers near Vienna

Picture for Drums classes at your place in Vienna

At your place

Vienna Music School Damvibes brings your Drums classes at your place, so you don't need to worry about dislocating!

Drum teachers in Vienna - profile pictures

At the teacher's studio

Damvibes chose our Drums tutors strategically along the Vienna map, so the location doesn't become a problem!

Picture for music lessons online

Online lessons

Most of our Drums tutors in Vienna are equipped and ready to teach online lessons in a professional way

How does Vienna Drums School Damvibes work?

📝 1. Book a trial lesson

You just need to choose a Drums teacher and fill in a quick form in less than 1 minute. We recommend you take into account variables such as location or specialties.

📅 2. Schedule a time

Our Drums teachers in Vienna will get in touch with you as soon as they can, generally, it will take up to 24 hours for them to contact you. Then, you both agree on the day/time of the lesson

👍 3. Trial payment

Get 30% discount on your first Drums class in Vienna! The lesson is 30 minutes long. Just make sure you process the payment 24 hours before the lesson. Enjoy your first trial!

📅 4. Monthly system

After your trial lesson, our Drums teacher will get in touch with you to agree on the schedule and on the number of lessons you will have that specific month

Music Teachers
Students registered

Happy students talk about Vienna Music School Damvibes!

Trophy from our Drum teachers in Vienna
Review 4 of our Drums lessons in Vienna
Review 1 of our Drums lessons in Vienna
Pecussion lessons in Vienna - Review 3
Review 2 of our Drums lessons in Vienna

Prices of our Drums courses in Vienna

Drums lessons for kids and adults

60 minutes
25 Class
  • 2-4 students
30 minutes
30 Class
  • 1 student
45 minutes
35 Class
  • 1 student
20% discount
60 minutes
40 Class
  • 1 student
30% discount

FAQ over our Drums classes in Vienna 

That, dear student, will depend on how good your Drums teacher is! And definetely, our Drums tutors in Vienna are graduated from the best conservatories and music schools in Europe! 

The prices of our Drums lessons in Vienna may vary and will depend on the location and the length of the lessons, you can check our price table up on this page!

In Drums learning, there is no such thing as no-talent. It’ll always faster to learn Drums in Vienna as a kid, but that doesn’t mean that adults can’t learn how to play an instrument. Furthermore, adults are more skilled to understand theoretical aspects such as chords, Drums notes reading or music theory.

In Vienna Music School Damvibes, we recommend to have weekly Drums lessons. Playing an instrument can be too sacrificing if you don't follow the right steps, this is to say, practice regularly, ideally everyday. 15-20 minutes per day will make the difference. The more practice the better!

How to play drums for Beginners in Vienna

Parts of the Drums: Nice to meet you!

It might be a good idea for you to learn the parts of a drum set, since when you get to your first drum class, your teacher will probably refer to them. Take a look at our diagram of the parts of a drumset

Diagram of the parts of a drum set in Vienna School Damvibes

How to read Drum Sheet Music

Learning to read drum sheet music will make you learn much faster. Why? Very easy; when we learn a new language we first learn the alphabet, we learn grammar, etc. to be able to analyze and build a good theoretical base and from there learn faster and faster. If we didn’t have that grammar, it would be much more difficult for us to memorize all the concepts, instead of truly understanding them.

Drum sheet music from Vienna Music School Damvibes

How to play drums fast?: Drum technique and more

Firstly, there are two kinds of meanings for the word “technique”. We refer to “technique” in singular, when we speak about the holading our drum sticks or how we hit them generally. But there are also other meanings for the word “techniques”, in plural. In this case, these techniques refer to ways of hitting your drums, for instance; Single Stroke Roll or Rebound Stroke. Luckily, your drum teacher in Vienna Damvibes is extremely well trained in these techniques and aspects!

Picture of a drumset played by a teacher in Vienna Damvibes
Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

📍 Drums lessons in Amsterdam
🚗 I travel to students' place
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

🏆 Drums Awards & Performances


🎌 Languages of my Drums classes

🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

📚 My Methodology

Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

📍 Drums lessons in Amsterdam
🚗 I travel to students' place
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

🏆 Drums Awards & Performances


🎌 Languages of my Drums classes

🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

📚 My Methodology

Music teachers profile pictures

Registration form

📍 Drums lessons in Amsterdam
🚗 I travel to students' place
👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

🏆 Drums Awards & Performances


🎌 Languages of my Drums classes

🎓 Music Studies & Diplomas

📚 My Methodology
